The Single Mindset Shift You Need to Double Your Income in the Next 12 Months

Episode 582: Show Notes 

Whenever we hit a big milestone in business it can make us nostalgic for the earlier days of our career when we were just starting out. It can make us reflect on the type of advice we would give a younger version of ourselves, even if it’s just little nudges about how to shift your mindset or attention. This summer Emylee celebrated the 10th anniversary of owning her own LLC! This type of milestone has made Emylee look back at her younger self and consider the type of advice she would give to a young, baby Emylee, especially when it comes to mindset shifts. Another major milestone this year is the sixth birthday of Boss Project being in business! All of this has caused us to reflect on the major mindset shifts that we have experienced in business and how they have helped us.  

The cool thing about mindset shifts is that it’s not just for folks who are starting out. It can have a drastic impact on anyone at any stage of business. We often think that these changes matter more if you’re just starting out, but we’ve seen it make a huge difference to a range of folks who were feeling stuck in their business at one point or another. Whether they had the clients but were utterly short on time, and couldn’t imagine how they would manage to double their income, or they were making good money, but were also so miserable that they were on the brink of giving it all up. That is why today, we’re taking a look at the top mindset shifts that are necessary for you to double your income in the next 12 months. Because we believe explosive growth is possible for anyone willing to adapt and institute these changes. And so often it starts with a mindset shift that centers on self-belief because you have to believe in yourself first before you're willing to convince anyone else of what you're doing. 

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How You Can Become Addicted to the Adrenaline That Comes With Crisis Mode 

So often as business leaders we overcomplicate the route to the goal that we say that we want to achieve because so many of us believe that business has to be complicated. We have this misguided idea that when things are fun, easy, and light, we’re not working hard enough. As a result, we can become reliant on extreme peaks and valleys to sustain our momentum, the subsequent adrenaline rushes and dopamine hits that feel good until they don’t. An insidious part of this cycle is that we start to convince ourselves that we function best when we’re in crisis mode or under pressure, which can devolve into us believing that we need a crisis to function. While this can come to dominate your perspective, we’re here to tell you from first-hand experience that it doesn’t need to be this way. You can enjoy your life, it can be simple, and your business can work for you. It doesn't have to hurt all the time and it certainly doesn't need to be stressful all the time.  

Shame and Hustle Culture Is Holding You Back From Making More and Working Less 

Many of us are familiar with Brene Brown’s seminal work on shame. The corrosive effect of shame is especially evident in women. We are primed by society to feel shame for an entire spectrum of expectations, especially in family life, work and finances. There’s also an important distinction between guilt and shame. Guilt is something that we can apologize for and then move on from. Shame is far more invasive and stays with us, impacting our decisions and mental health. So much of how society is structured is geared towards creating these feelings of shame. The pervasiveness of hustle culture and capitalism set impossible expectations on individuals and start at a very young age. It can start as early as an attendance award in elementary school. Unlearning these habits and beliefs about ourselves and the impossibility of societal expectations takes an active effort, but the effects that result from this mindset shift are huge! 

A Quick Self-Assessment We Want You To Do That Will Help You Make This Mindset Shift 

Emylee and Abagail break down some of the key questions business owners can ask to determine the mindset shifts they need to make in order to double their income without increasing their work hours. The key tenet of this self-assessment is asking yourself what beliefs you have right now that makes you feel like it's literally not possible for you to reach your goals with the service you already have. We’d also love to hear from you so please send us your list on Instagram! A fundamental first step is determining what you want because so much of what we aspire to is tied to our finances. So often as a service-based business the problem comes down to not feeling like you can charge more for your product without adding more value, and simultaneously not having the time or resources to do that. We get into how we have overcome these mindset issues in the past and how you can too! 

The Lessons We’ve Learned in Our Previous 6-Figure Service Business 

Emylee and Abagail had very different starts in the world of business. While Abagail went straight from college to doing her own thing, Emylee spent time in corporate environments and start-ups before embarking on her own business ventures. When Emylee left corporate she was already convinced that she was being underpaid for her services which empowered her to be confident with accurately pricing her services. We get into the implication of not getting paid residuals and how that impacts the necessity of being paid upfront for what you deserve and how that might affect other small business owners. Another issue that we’ve seen is tapping out of potential clients when you have enough clients on board. We delve into how we fell into this trap and some of the strategies we used to remedy it. So often there’s an impulse to overcomplicate our businesses, but there’s a lot to be said for instituting a clean and simple process and the ways that it can elevate your business and improve your day-to-day running of the company.  

The Reason You Can’t Grow Anymore Without Working More, Is Because You’re Working in the Wrong Way 

One sure way to experience burnout is by working in a way that is unsustainable. If you’re in a position where you’re overworked and you feel like you can’t grow your company without working more, you need to reevaluate your process. Because the top reason you can't grow anymore without working more is that you're working in the wrong way. If you’re working in this way you will inevitably get to the point where you say no to clients, because you literally can't handle the stress. It won’t be long after that where you get to the point where you start to question your entire business and you may even consider shutting it down. And the truth is that there is a much more sustainable way of doing things where you can grow your business and achieve your goals by working 20 hours a week or less. While it takes restructuring, we can help you with that process and double your income! Take advantage of our opportunity to apply for special private training to get started on transforming your business and your life! 

Want to Dive Deeper?

We went LIVE all about this subject and shared some more information about what you can do about and how Boss Project can help you get there! Go watch the LIVE.


Quote This

The reason you can't grow anymore without working more is because you're working in the wrong way.



  • How You Can Become Addicted to the Adrenaline That Comes With Crisis Mode [0:04:14] 

  • Shame and Hustle Culture Is Holding You Back From Making More and Working Less [0:10:02] 

  • A Quick Self-Assessment We Want You To Do That Will Help You Make This Mindset Shift [0:19:50]   

  • The Lessons We’ve Learned in Our Previous 6-Figure Service Business [0:23:01] 

  • The Reason You Can’t Grow Anymore Without Working More, Is Because You’re Working in the Wrong Way [29:14] 


Abagail & Emylee

The Strategy Hour Podcast

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We help overwhelmed and creative entrepreneurs break down their Oprah-sized dreams to create a functioning command center to tame the chaos of their business. Basically, we think you’re totally bomb diggity, we’re about to uplevel the shiz out of your business.


Growth, Sustainable growth, Shame, Burnout, Increased profits, Shorter work week


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